Our Services

US Mexico Relations is dedicated to strengthening the relations between Mexico and the United States

  • Government Relations: Building relationships with U.S. and Mexican government agencies to facilitate diplomatic communication and cooperation.
  • Media Relations: Managing communications between Mexican entities and U.S. media outlets to ensure accurate representation.
  • Cultural Exchange Programs: Promoting cultural exchange initiatives, including events, exhibitions, and educational programs.
  • Business Advocacy: Assisting Mexican companies with market entry, trade, and investment opportunities in the U.S.
  • Policy Analysis: Providing insights into U.S. policies affecting Mexico and advising on strategic responses.
  • Bilateral Communications: Facilitating diplomatic dialogues and fostering positive relations between the two nations.
  • Public Diplomacy: Developing campaigns to enhance Mexico’s image and influence in the U.S.
  • Issue Advocacy: Advocating on behalf of Mexican interests in areas such as immigration reform, trade agreements, and economic partnerships.
  • Crisis Management: Offering support during crises or emergencies that may impact the relationship between Mexico and the U.S.
  • Educational Initiatives: Promoting educational programs, scholarships, and academic collaborations between institutions in both countries.
  • Cultural Diplomacy: Organizing cultural events, art exhibitions, and performances to promote Mexican culture.
  • Trade Promotion: Supporting Mexican exports to the U.S. market and assisting U.S. companies in expanding their presence in Mexico.
  • Event Planning: Organizing conferences, seminars, and forums to facilitate dialogue and cooperation.
  • Media Training: Providing media training to Mexican diplomats and officials for effective communication in the U.S.
  • Advocacy Campaigns: Creating and executing public advocacy campaigns to advance Mexican interests in key areas.
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